Category eBay

Cassini — we have a launch!

“This month, the company has quietly rolled out to U.S. users its new search engine, known inside the company as Cassini.” Today, after much blood sweat and tears, we finally got to tell the world that Cassini has launched. Why the quiet launch? Well it was always interesting to see the occasional article where someone would […]

New eBay and eBay Inc logos

After 17 years, eBay has decided to change its logo.  In fact there are two logo changes going on.  First is the “eBay marketplaces” logo (  And then there is the eBay Inc logo (, which is the parent company to the eBay family which includes PayPal, GSI Commerce, X.commerce, Red laser, Milo, and so […]

eBay tech blog post on Akka

I just wanted to highlight a recent eBay tech blob on how Akka and Zookeeper were used on one of the eBay projects. I personally like the Actor model of concurrency (I did a short post on it once before) so just wanted to highlight the article.

Same Day Delivery beta – Ebay Now

Ebay combined with bricks and mortar stores in San Francisco have just launched a beta called “eBay Now” in San Francisco, described here by Techcrunch.  Its a clear example of eBay trying to support businesses solve challenges with the blurring of online and offline.  It will be interesting to see how popular it is for […]

eBay turnaround article on NYTimes

I am always careful about commercial in confidence stuff, which is why I like pointing to other articles. This one was a nice one on the eBay turnaround from the New York Times. And yes I do work for eBay and am probably biased as a result. Full steam ahead!

Microplace – portfolios that change the world

Another little gem I just came across.  PayPal has a subsidiary “Microplace” ( for micro businesses loans.  (I assume this is a bit of a play on “marketplace” from the “eBay Marketplaces” business.)  It allows you to invest money where the money is used as a low interest loan to help less fortunate individuals get […]

An unexpected drop in… do you know your golfers?

Do you know who won the US Masters (golf) in 2012?  This photo I took earlier today is a clue, and it’s not Devin Wenig on the left (President of Global Ebay Marketplaces). Want a not so subtle clue?  Try reading here. Ok, lets get a blatant name drop in!  Bubba Watson dropped in on […]

New green eBay data center

Ebay has been doing a lot of work in more efficient data centers. Just announced is work for a new data center that will be offsetting 100% of the carbon foot print. See for details.

PayPal POS – how to register

You can use your PayPal account now at a number of department stores. But when I tried it failed. What I had missed is you have to enable your account first. It took me a little while to find it, so I thought I would share the URL – You can use your phone […]

eBay shares value estimated at $55?

I am no share market expert, but as an employee and shareholder I certainly hope this estimation is right! 😉